How Peloton Changed Me From Evangelist to Disgruntled
“If the big boys are doing it, it must be working.”
~ a former boss, who could not have been more wrong on this point
It hasn’t been the best few weeks for Peloton.
There was the treadmill recall in the first week of May. That’s been covered elsewhere, but suffice to say Peloton’s response was not what it should have been.
I’m not here to dogpile on that, though incidents like this do make one question one’s loyalty.
Meanwhile, Peloton has also made some inexplicable changes to its user experience — and, in particular, the Peloton scenic rides that were the favorites of many members, myself included.
My Experience With Peloton
Our Peloton bike arrived in April of last year. Since then, I’ve averaged a little more than 22 miles of riding per day. I took my 1,000th ride earlier this month.
So I’m a heavy user, but also not really like the people in the Peloton ads. I prefer not to do the instructor-led classes, because pop music is not my jam, and most days I don’t want to be yelled at. If Peloton wants to be a mass brand (and it does), it needs to appeal to many kinds of users.
I’ve primarily done Peloton scenic rides, in large part because there’s no instructor. Up until recently, Peloton had a large library of these, allowing you to “ride” through the hills of French wine country, the streets of San…